Free AI tools to Generate Image

Numerous free and open-source AI text-to-picture generators that are tailored to particular image types may be found online. Thus, after sorting through the muck, we have identified the top open-source AI text-to-image producers.
Text-to-image creation models powered by AI are widely used and become easier to access every day. While it’s simple to make the image you want by visiting a website, if you want more control over the generating process, your best option is to use an open-source text-to-image generator.

1- Stable Diffusion 1.5

Probably one of the most often used open-source models for text-to-image generation is stable diffusion. Other models, such as the three picture generators listed below, are also powered by it. Since its debut in 2022, it has undergone numerous implementations.

2- DreamShaper

A model for creating images called DreamShaper is based on stable diffusion. It was designed to be an open-source substitute for MidJourney, emphasizing photorealism in the images it generates, yet with little adjustments, it can also handle anime and painting styles just as well.

Compared to Stable Diffusion, the model’s capabilities are greater, giving customers more control over the output—from NSFW limitations to lightning-fast advances. Additionally, running the model is simple thanks to a number of websites that allow you to run it with GPU acceleration, such as, RandomSeed, and (which requires a basic subscription). You can also download a pre-trained version of the model online for local access.

3- Craiyon

The most recent model is still free to download from the official Craiyon website, even if updates to the official Github repository haven’t been made since June 2022. Neither iOS nor Android apps are available.
One of the simplest open-source AI image generators to use is called Craiyon. Although you can install the model directly on your computer by cloning the Github repository, Craiyon appears to have abandoned this method in favor of its website. It is based on the DALL-E Mini.

4- Openjourney

A free and open-source AI image generating model called Openjourney is once more based on stable diffusion. The model was trained on Midjourney photographs, so it may imitate its style in the images it produces, which is why it is named Openjourney.

5- InvokeAI

Another AI-based model for creating images, Invoke AI is based on Stable Diffusion and has an XL variant based on Stable Diffusion XL. Additionally, it features a command line and online user interface, so you won’t need to go through hoops to use things like the Stable Diffusion web UI.

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