New ChatGPT-5 Features

Anticipated to be the most potent generative model available, GPT-5 is the much awaited follow-up to OpenAI’s GPT-4 AI model. Although GPT-5’s official release date is still unknown, there are hints that it might happen as soon as the summer of 2024. Although there is currently very little information available regarding the model, a few statements may be made with some degree of certainty:

1- Increased Multimodality

    Multimodality has been one of the most intriguing additions to the GPT family of AI models. To be clear, multimodality refers to an AI model’s capacity to comprehend not only text but also additional input formats such as images, audio, and video. Moving forward, multimodality will serve as a crucial advancement benchmark for the GPT model family.

    2- An Expanded and Enhanced Context Window

      The GPT family of AI models has one of the lowest context windows even though it is one of the most advanced models available. Anthropic’s Claude 3, for example, has a 200,000 token context window, but Google’s Gemini can process a whopping 1 million tokens (128,000 for regular usage). On the other hand, GPT-4 offers a context window that is comparatively smaller—128,000 tokens—with a realistically usable token count of about 32,000 or less on interfaces such as ChatGPT.

      3- Agents of GPT

      The introduction of GPT Agents is arguably one of the most intriguing potential outcomes of a GPT-5 release. Although the phrase “game-changer” has likely been overused in the AI community, GPT agents would actually be game-changers in every realistic sense.

      4- Reducing Hallucinations

      The ability of OpenAI to address the ongoing problem of hallucinations, which has prevented the widespread adoption of AI in high-stakes, safety-critical domains like healthcare, aviation, and cybersecurity, will be the true litmus test for GPT-5. Despite this, OpenAI has made significant progress in handling hallucinations in its AI models. All of these fields would greatly profit from extensive AI involvement, but they are not yet seeing any appreciable acceptance.

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