How To

How to Disable Discord Voice Clip Recording

Private-minded The Clips feature on Discord, which makes it simple to record audio in voice channels while streaming, has angered users. With Discord, recording your speech is default rather than opt-in. Thankfully, there is a way to disable this feature.

Thankfully, there’s a setting that lets you turn off the recording of your voice if someone utilizes Discord Clips.

On a PC :

1- Click the gear icon in Discord’s lower-left corner to open the “User Settings” menu.

2- From the menu on the left, choose “Clips“.

3- The “Allow My Voice To Be Recorded In Clips” setting should finally be turned off.

On a mobile device:

1- Tap the “You” button in Discord’s lower-right corner to access your profile.

2- By clicking the gear symbol in the upper-right corner, you can access the options menu.

3- From the “Account Settings” menu, choose “Clips“.

4- Disable the “Allow My Voice To Be Recorded In Clips” option.

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