How To

Test Ram Speed

It can be annoying when a computer performs worse than before. Random access memory, or RAM, contributes to your computer’s speed improvement. Its performance might be crucial, particularly for memory-intensive jobs like graphic design or gaming.
There are various ways to verify the speed of your RAM, whether you wish to update your system or need to solve a problem.

How to Use Windows to Measure Memory Speed

1-To launch the Task Manager application, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + SHIFT + Esc.

2- Click on the Performance tab, then select Memory.

The RAM speed in MHz, RAM utilization, and available memory will all be displayed to you.

Use the Command Prompt to Check RAM Speed

1-To open the Run app, use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + R.

2- Type cmd and hit Enter.

3- In the Command Prompt window, copy and paste the following command: wmic memorychip get speed. Press Enter afterward. The frequency or speed of your RAM will be shown.

Check RAM Speed Through the Control Panel

1- Get the Start menu open.

2- Under the Windows System section, select Control Panel. Alternatively, in Windows 11, select the Settings application from the Start menu.

3- Click System and Security in the Control Panel, then select the System page (or, if using Windows 11, select About).

4- The quantity of RAM installed will show up next to Installed memory (RAM) under the System section.

MacOS: How to Check the RAM Speed

1- Open the app in the Utilities folder. It is located in the Applications section. Alternatively, use Spotlight Search by typing in a search for utilities by clicking the magnifying symbol in the upper right corner.

2- Open System Information.

3- Open the Memory from the navigation panel located on the left of the System Information. You may view comprehensive details on the RAM that is installed on your Mac there. Examine each slot’s speed in the Memory Slots table.

Check RAM Speed Using “About This Mac”

1- Select the Apple menu by clicking on it.

2- Choose About This Mac.

3- You can see the speed and amount of RAM installed next to Memory.

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