How To

How to Stop Chrome from Refreshing Tabs Automatically

In order to eliminate any transient issues, restart both your device and browser. If the problem continues, make sure your internet connection is stable and not sporadically connecting or disconnecting. Additionally, delete all cookies and cache from the browser to stop them from affecting how it works.

When you switch between opened tabs in Chrome, does it instantly refresh them? This issue may be brought on by problems including running out of system resources, tabs closing unexpectedly, or interference from installed extensions. You can attempt the following fixes to resolve this problem.
Initial Inspections
As you begin the troubleshooting procedure, make a few basic checks.

Turn off the automatic tab disposal.

Disabling Chrome’s Memory Saver function, which idle tabs sleep to conserve memory, is one way. To disable it, select “Settings,” go to the “Performance” tab on the left, and turn off the Memory Saver option by clicking the three vertical dots in the top-right corner.

You can manually whitelist web pages if you’d rather keep memory saving enabled but wish to exclude some websites from it. Next to “Always Keep These Sites Active,” click the “Add” button. Then, either manually input the website’s URL or choose it from the list of websites that have already opened.

As an alternative, you can disable auto-discarding straight from the Discards tab in Chrome. Find the Auto Discardable tab by going to chrome://discards/. If the page you wish Chrome to not discard has a checkbox next to it, click “Toggle” to disable auto-discarding.

Look for Interference from Extensions

Any auto-refreshing extensions you may have installed, such as those that make tabs appear active on freelance platforms, could conflict with other tabs that are open. So, disable any such extensions for the time being. In the upper-right corner, click the three vertical dots. Next, select Extensions > Manage Extensions. Disable the toggle that’s beneath the troublesome extension.

Make Sure You’re Not Pressing the Shortcut or Refresh Key

If Chrome opens a tab that automatically refreshes every time, make sure the refresh key—F5 on Windows or Command+R on macOS—or its keyboard shortcut—isn’t locked. Press the refresh key (or shortcut) and check sure no debris is lodged within to rule out this possibility.

Free Up System Resources

Click the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner, then select More Tools > Task Manager to examine these processes.

The “Memory Footprint” column can be clicked or double-clicked to rank jobs by memory usage in a descending order. Determine which tabs are using up the most system resources and, if need, disable them. In Chrome’s Task Manager, choose the process you want to stop and click the “End Process” button in the lower-right corner.

Reset Chrome Settings

Go to “Settings,” then click the “Reset Settings” option from the left-hand menu to reset Chrome. Select “Reset Settings” and “Restore Settings to Their Original Defaults” from the pop-up menu.

Check for Chrome Updates

Click the three vertical dots in the top-right corner, Help > About Google Chrome

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